Health and Wellness at Work

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About Course

Through our Health and Wellness at Work program you will experience the benefits of a healthier lifestyle and workplace.

Our Health and Wellness at Work course will be instrumental in creating a “Culture of Wellness” within your organization. you will touch on common issues such as smoking cessation, nutrition, weight loss, and preventative care.

Health and Wellness is the responsibility of everyone in an organization so take the positive step and create a program within your organization.

Course Content

Module One: Getting Started

  • Draft Lesson

Module Two: Meaning and Definition of a Health and Wellness Program?

Module Three: Types of Health Behavior Programs

Module Four: Health Behavior Programs

Module Five: Health Screenings and Maintenance Programs

Module Six: Mental Health Programs

Module Seven: Evaluate the Need

Module Eight: Planning Process

Module Nine: Implementation

Module Ten: Create a “Culture of Wellness”

Module Eleven: Evaluate Results

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

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